Monday, April 13, 2015

Explore Barbuda Island - A Tropical Travel Destination

Are you looking for that next vacation or travel destination for yourself and your family? Are you having trouble sifting through the large stack of popular vacation spots? Are you sick of going to the same boring tourist locations year after year? Then you've come to the right place...
Check out Barbuda Island for fun in the sun off the beaten path.

If you've never heard of Barbuda Island, it's okay. Most people have never heard about it which is why it's such a great travel destination. The island is part of a three island state that is associated with Antigua and Redonda. It is located in the northeastern Caribbean, within the Leeward Islands.
Basically it's just a 20 minute flight from Antigua. If you're looking for some adventure, then it's a three hour boat ride from Antigua.

The best time of the year to go is between November and April. While you're there you can enjoy the white and pink sandy beaches as well as the coral reefs and even a few shipwrecks. You can also play golf and tennis and enjoy snorkeling and diving, though personally I just like to relax on the beach and there are few places more beautiful in the world to do it.

This is really an unspoiled paradise, not your typical tourist beach destination crammed with overweight tourist jockeying to see the sights. The beaches are relaxed, strewn with seashells and large expanse of calm blue-green Caribbean seawater.

If you're looking for sea turtles and other tropical fish then check out the shipwrecks. Most of them lie undisturbed in the beautiful blue green turquoise sea water.

If you're looking for a little action then pop over to nearby Antigua Island to enjoy many regular tourist activities. Antigua is home to over 5,000 graceful frigate birds who live on the northwestern lagoon at the bird sanctuary.

Barbuda is only 15 miles long by about 9 miles wide. The island itself is mostly rocky and fairly flat though covered in bush. The animals you may encounter include dear and boar as well as turtles and guinea fowl. Cattle, horses, and even donkeys wander around with sheep and goats who tend to walk freely in the different villages. Like I said, it's a very laid-back place.

The island also has a variety of caves that you can explore especially in the Two Foot Bay area. Some caves have a variety of ancient cave drawings on their walls which is kind of neat to see. Some of the caves you can explore on your own but many of them require expert guides and a little bit of training.
If you're looking for a trendy tourist beach, Barbuda Island is definitely not for you. But if you are looking for pristine untouched beaches and laid-back relaxation without the hustle and bustle of normal tourist activity then this may be just the spot for you and your family. Check it out!

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